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Connecting Communities and Protecting Biodiversity

Our Mission

Our Goals: Building a Sustainable Future through Community-Biodiversity Integration

  1. Strengthening the biodiversity governance system together with communities through monitoring, protection, and reduction of threats, and promoting policies in line with government policies and community traditions.

  2. Strengthening ecosystem or habitat restoration for biodiversity to support the recovery of populations, distribution, and connectivity in both conservation and non-conservation areas, including those managed by companies and communities.

  3. Sustainable use of biodiversity to support community economies through conservation innovations and technology.

About Us

Founded in 2023, Bioma Tropika Indonesia is a national non-governmental organization (NGO) with association status working in the Indonesia and Asia region related to the conservation of tropical rainforests and support for biodiversity management. The core of our work lies in the continuous passion and dedication we bring to the range of projects we take part in. We collaborate with various stakeholders to support conservation efforts, including ecosystem restoration, sustainable biodiversity management, and community-based conservation enterprises. Join us in our efforts to make the world a better place.

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The integration of community governance and tropical biodiversity materializes harmoniously and sustainably are our Vision. In order to achieve these goals, we have set targets by supporting habitat recovery, restoration of biodiversity populations, and mitigation of the impacts of climate change.


Our proficient team collaborates with stakeholders to accomplish these objectives. We possess specialized expertise, particularly in biodiversity monitoring, promoting sustainable management in protected areas or crucial landscapes, supporting habitat restoration efforts, and contributing to the recovery of protected species populations. Additionally, we strive to actively participate in the development of environmental services that enhance area protection and reduce the impacts of climate change.

How We Help


Restoration Ecosystem

Making a Difference

We aspire to contribute to ecosystem restoration by planting various species of trees or forest plants to rehabilitate habitats for different species in both conservation and non-conservation areas, leveraging our strategies and experience. We also support habitat management efforts for target species through innovation and engineering aimed at population enhancement and reducing human-wildlife conflicts. Many governments in Asia, including Indonesia, have targets for the restoration of tropical rainforest ecosystems, and we can assist in these endeavors.


Our target is to focus on forest restoration in both conservation and non-conservation areas, particularly in regions that do not overlap with the activities of our NGO network or areas already managed by our networking companies. Our scope of work covers the entire Indonesia and regions in Asia that require attention and intervention in terms of restoration.


Sustainable Biodiversity Management

Empowering the Community

We have experience in managing an area with high biodiversity value, conducting biodiversity research, particularly on plants and key Asian wildlife species (tigers, elephants, orangutans). Our expertise includes monitoring threats, conducting area patrols using the SMART patrol system, capacity building for area managers, utilizing GPS collars and camera traps for research and early warning systems to reduce human-wildlife conflicts, and implementing other innovations for biodiversity management. We also have experience in developing conservation plans that support government initiatives, private companies, and local communities in their regions. Additionally, we have experience in reviewing and monitoring their biodiversity management efforts, contributing significantly to ecosystem conservation.


Community Enterprise

Transforming Lives

We recognize that communities possess unique strengths in natural resource management in their specific and distinctive regions. Socially and culturally, this governance has been built over many years, even centuries, as a result of intellectual wealth and local wisdom. However, this governance strength has not yet been fully harnessed as a potential promotion within the realms of science and learning for the wider community. Moreover, the intellectual wealth and local wisdom can be considered as hidden assets and have the potential to benefit the local community. We aim to promote these aspects within the context of community-based entrepreneurship strategies.

Governance of agroforestry systems, diverse agricultural crop patterns, or orchards for food security, biodiversity protection, and local area management, as well as traditional village governance, are integral parts of this initiative.


Environmental Services and  Outreach

Helping Those in Need

The development of environmental services and biodiversity education based on tourism is a key target of this institution. In Asian communities, including Indonesia, environmental services have long been developed, particularly related to non-timber forest products, water resources, tourism, and carbon. Therefore, Bioma is interested in advancing this development based on bio-prospecting, going beyond the usual non-timber forest products in industry and society.


Water resources, with a focus on watershed management, water supply in upstream areas, and the provision of clean water quality from upstream to downstream, extending to fisheries and hydropower issues, are discussed. In the context of tourism, educational tourism is the main focus developed by Bioma, especially in the natural interpretation management scheme and Earthwatch's conservation volunteerism model. Educational tourism encompasses both terrestrial and marine areas and is developed in potential areas for that purpose.

The current carbon issue is also crucial, prompting Bioma's interest in developing carbon offset codes and carbon credits for the community.

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Our Team working

Wishnu Sukmantoro, Ecologist, experiences in biodiversity conservation, GIS practicians, and experiences in developing the spatial planning and community enterprise.


Wilson Novarino, Ecologist, lecture, experiences in biodiversity conservation in particular for wildlife research and monitoring. 


Elisabeth Purastuti, Forester, GIS expert, experiences in biodiversity conservation and sustainable resources development project.


Andreas Sarwono, Communication, Drone pilot, experiences in elephant conservation management and conservation outreach


Dian Adijaya Susanto, Biologist, experience in plant conservation and the community enterprise


Dwi Adhari Nugraha, Forester, experience in big mammals' conservation in particular in Sumatra.


Shoimatul Ula, Forester, experiences in big mammals' conservation institution development and public awareness. 

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